
About Us

Shaffer Tokyo Bullet Train About Us

Welcome to Hasu-Seizo!

At Hasu-Seizo, we take great pride in being a family-owned and operated business, dedicated to bringing the artistry of handcrafted Japanese knives to the vibrant Seattle region. Our extensive collection features knives crafted by various Japanese artisans, but our deep connection lies with the renowned Sakai Takayuki brand, which has been our extended family's cherished manufacturing endeavor.

Having grown up in the southern part of Osaka, Japan, the city of Sakai held a special place in our hearts, as its kitchen knives graced our culinary experiences for countless years. Upon relocating to America, we felt a profound appreciation for the significance of Japanese tradition, technology, and technique. It was with this sentiment that "Hasu-Seizo" was born, driven by our desire to share with you the rich heritage and exquisite craftsmanship embodied by Sakai knives.

The traditional Japanese kitchen knife is a true gem, rooted in the ancient artistry of Japanese sword making. We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to experience this remarkable tradition that has withstood the test of time.

To ensure the utmost quality, we have had the honor of personally using Sakai Takayuki knives and even visiting their esteemed facility in Sakai City. Witnessing the master craftsmen in action, we witnessed the meticulous hand-forging process that upholds the traditions and techniques passed down through generations. It is through their skilled hands that these knives come to life, embodying the essence of Japanese craftsmanship.

We are thrilled to bring you a curated selection of these exceptional knives, each one bearing the mark of the artisans' dedication and passion. We invite you to embark on a culinary journey with us, embracing the beauty and precision of Japanese cutlery.

Through our offerings, we aim to provide you with an opportunity to not only see and touch these exceptional creations but also to delve into the profound thoughts and soulful craftsmanship embodied by Japanese artisans. By bringing these extraordinary products into your life, you will have the chance to forge a deeper understanding and connection with the meticulous artistry of Japan's craftsmen.

Japanese cuisine demands a distinct set of chef skills, and our knives are tailored to meet those exacting requirements. However, their value extends far beyond professional kitchens and finds a place in the homes of passionate cooks as well. By investing in high-quality knives, one can elevate the quality and longevity of the food prepared.

At Hasu-Seizo, we deeply appreciate the historical significance of Japanese knife making. This craft has been nurtured over generations through relentless hard work and the time-honored tradition of apprenticeship. We cherish these traditions and take pride in offering knives that embody the rich heritage and expertise passed down through the ages.

A kitchen knife is not merely a tool; it becomes an integral part of your culinary journey. Our knives seamlessly blend functionality with artistic excellence. Their sharpness is unparalleled, a testament to the dedication and skill of the craftsmen. We encourage you to consider investing in a knife that will maintain its sharpness and endure a lifetime of use with proper care.

With the right knife in your hands, you can unlock new dimensions of cooking, enhancing both your skills and the flavors of your creations. Embrace the artistry and precision of a Japanese knife, and savor the culinary possibilities it presents. Let us assist you in selecting a knife that will be a faithful companion throughout your cooking endeavors, ensuring every slice is a testament to the mastery and craftsmanship that defines Japanese cutlery.

What does Hasu-Seizo mean?

“Hasu” means lotus flower in Japanese which is our son’s name in kanji and Seizo means pure storehouse which is my grandfather's name kanji.



大阪の南部で育ち、堺が身近にあった縁もあり、堺の包丁を長年使ってまいりました。 アメリカへ移住してから、日本の伝統や技術、技の大切さをより感じ、この日本の打刃物の伝統、 素晴らしさを皆様に知っていただきたい思いで「蓮清蔵」は始まりました。日本の包丁の技術は日本刀の流れを受け継いだ世界に誇れる逸品です。 優れた本場の伝統堺の包丁が世界に広まり喜んでいただければと思います。




堺の包丁は歴史が大変長く、5世紀の古墳時代から始まったとされ、その後、室町時代、戦国時代、江戸時代、現代と続いています。 堺刃物の最大の特徴は分業制で刃物制作を行っていることです。鍛冶、刃研ぎ、柄付けの職人が刃物の細部にこだわり手作業で一つ一つ作り上げています。 堺刃物のシェアはシェフ・板前などが使用する和包丁の90%近くを占めるといわれています。1982年に堺打刃物は伝統的工芸品に指定されその品質は日本だけではなく、 現在世界にも広く認められています。

古来より刃物は、「神聖」なものとして扱われ、節目を迎えるごとに新しい刃物と共に新しい門出としてきたとされています。刃物は、魔除けや守り刀として、 災いや不幸を断ち切り、新しい未来や幸福を切り開くという意味合いを含め、お祝い・結婚など幸福を祝うギフトとしても扱われています。名入れ、カスタム刻印、 オリジナルロゴの刻印も承っております。

